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Tips for Maintaining your Tires

Maintaining Tires

It is easy to get caught up in the details of your vehicle you see every day. The sticky radio buttons, fraying leather on the passenger seat or rattling windshield wiper all demand attention, but don’t forget about your tires! They increase the control you have over your vehicle by providing traction and are all that separates your vehicle from the ground. Don’t take them for granted as you get behind the wheel. Read below to learn the best ways to increase the longevity and performance of your tires, and visit AutoRx today for a tire check and maintenance service. Our trained auto mechanics in Edmonton can provide guidance if you need new tires or help align your existing set.

Care for Your Tires: Tips to Maintain and Replace Your Tires Use these simple maintenance tips to care for your tires:

  • Think seasonally – Residents in Edmonton know that Canadian winters are not a joke. All the frost bite, winds and sub-zero temperatures that people must face are also hard on your vehicle. Having tires that are built for snow, slush and cold weather is paramount to safe steering and keeping control. Get winter tires installed on your vehicle every year before the first snowfall. That way, you’ll be prepared for any road conditions winter brings your way.

  • Replace them – Most auto mechanic professionals will say it is best to get new tires every 5 years. This is a helpful guideline, but every vehicle is different. Some wear out tires more quickly, especially if they are carrying heavy loads. Others last much longer if they are infrequently used or particularly well-cared for.

  • Get an annual inspection – Is there a foolproof way to know when your tires need to be replaced, or correct any issues that can lead to faster wear and tear? Schedule regular inspection appointments with your Edmonton mechanic. The thorough inspection completed by the friendly professionals at AutoRx includes checking your vehicle’s tires. We can run a few tests and assess the condition of your tires to determine if it is time for a new set.

Visit AutoRx for Winter Tires in Edmonton From winter tires to maintenance appointments and auto repairs, our experienced team has you and your vehicle covered. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or give us a call with questions about your particular vehicle’s tires. We offer a range of automotive services to keep your vehicle in great condition and keep you safe on the road. Schedule your tire inspection or maintenance appointment with trusted auto mechanics in Edmonton. Contact AutoRx or call 780-436-9992 with your questions or to book your vehicle service today.


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